Monday, September 7, 2009

The NEwest FAD !

CupCake Kabobs !!!

A major hit!
Especially with Strawberry Marshmellers :D

Chocolate, Vanilla AND Strawberry Cake Mixes
The ingredients listed on the boxes
Strawberry Mashmellers :)
Strawberry, Vanilla AND Chocolate wafer cookies
Frosting ( I just use vanilla on all the cupcakes but some people get all three)
Totally your choice :)
White Chocolate melting wafers
Kabob Stix

Here we go !

Okay. So.
Bake Strawberry, Chocolate, and Vanilla muffins and bake them in mini pans.... (you will have a TON)
then you let them cool and frost them....
Then cut or break alllll the wafer cookies into thirds
(1/3 of the chocolate cookies- crumble them---this will be used as a cookie coating)
and dip one half of the marshmellers into melted white chocolate :)
Then dip it into the chocolate Cookie Crumbles :)
Layer a wafer, dipped marshmellow then cupcake then wafer then cupcake, wafer then cupcake then marshmellow then the last wafer....Making SURE that one Chocolate-Vanilla and Strawberry cupcake are on each stick ! :D


1 comment:

DietCokeStraightUp said...

Oh my gosh I could totally take down like 500 of those!!! Amazing idea!! Love it!